The Way to Eat…if you want to lose weight.

It is common knowledge these days that the healthiest way to lose
weight includes three facets: cardio vascular exercise, strength
training, and proper nutrition. There are many different definitions
to proper nutrition, but basically, if you want to lose weight, the
bottom line is you have to burn more calories than you take in.

Not into counting calories or doing math about what you eat? Most
people aren’t. In turn, think of it in this sense: to lose weight it
means that your metabolism has to start moving faster.
Common symptoms of a slow metabolism include weight gain,
unexplained exhaustion, and little to no energy in your daily

Of course exercise is going to speed up your metabolism, but if
you don’t adjust your eating habits to go along with the exercise,
you probably won’t see the results you want to see.

What’s the best way to eat to speed up your metabolism? It takes
eating 5-6 small meals every two hours to get that metabolism

Depending on your point of view this can be a lot or a little. A big
eater may consider this too little, and a daintier eater may consider
this too much. The bigger eaters will be left craving more after
their small meal, and the smaller eaters will think they can’t fit that
much food into one day. But however you want to look at it, this
way of eating promotes the fastest and healthiest weight loss.

Sure, it is going to take a while to get used to for anyone who isn’t
used to this way of eating, but after a while, your body and
metabolism will adjust and you will start to notice your pants
getting looser.

Common questions include:

when should I eat these meals?

The common rule of thumb is to always eat as soon as you wake
up, then, go from there.

Foods like fruits and vegetables are essential to proper nutrition but
alone do not count as a meal, because each small meal should
contain protein and complex carbohydrates. If you get hungry in
between, this is the time to incorporate your fruits and vegetables,
if they are not already going to be included in your small meal.

When you get hungry, that is your metabolism’s way of telling you
that it needs more food to keep going, if you don’t feed that
demand, it is going to slow down and leave your body depleted of
the proper nutrients and energy. This also Promotes weight gain.

On the other hand, if you feed it too much, it is also going to slow
down. Eating just the right amount every few hours is going to
keep your metabolism moving quickly and smoothly, and with a
good exercise program you are going to start seeing the results you

Think of your metabolism as a paper shredder. If you feed it a few
sheets of paper little by little, it is going to stay in tact and keep
running smoothly. But what is going to happen if you feed it too
much paper at once? It is going to jam up and move slowly if at all.
If your metabolism does this, you will gain weight.

Another common question concerning this way of eating is: what
constitutes a proper every two hour meal? Below are a few
suggestions that if eaten at the proper times, will have you on the
fast track to losing the weight you want, without the hassle of
calculating calories, fat grams, etc.!

Suggestions for “every two hour meals”:

*protein bar or protein shake
*peanut butter(natural) sandwich (no jelly) on whole wheat bread
*handful of peanuts, almonds, cashews, etc. (not macadamia nuts)
*half cup of plain oatmeal and piece of 2% cheese
*one scrambled egg with piece of multi grain or whole wheat toast or bagel
*small salad with chicken
*can of tuna with 3 pieces of whole wheat melba toast


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