A lot of people ask, when is the right time to workout, before a meal, or after?
My first response is the general disclaimer: every individual is different. Some people find they get a better workout right after a meal, some people say before. To each their own.
But my personal advice is that one needs to find that happy medium between not being hungry and not being full.
In my opinion, you should never eat a meal and then workout immediately afterwards. You're going to spend your entire workout just burning off what you just ate, instead of making a dent in your calorie deficit. Also, in my personal experience, you don't get as good of a workout if you have a full stomach. You're going to feel sluggish and therefore not work to your full potential.
One also should not be starving when they workout. You need fuel to exercise. Would you take your car onto the expressway without any gas in it? Of course not. So it's best not to be extremely hungry when you go to workout.
You need to find that happy medium in between the two. Eat a reasonably sized meal, and wait an hour, then workout. By the end of your workout, you should be ready for another meal.(If you're following the small meal, every few hour routine, which I highly recommend for weight loss and strength building)
Find that happy medium between being hungry and being full and you will have a better workout.
Last but not least, exercise is pretty much always a good thing to do, regardless. I'm not saying do not workout if you're full. I'm just saying you're going to have a more energized and efficient workout if you follow this advice.
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