Workout of the Day

Grab a spin bike and a step. Put a good number of risers under that step, depending on your height. Try to make it as tall as at least 2 lengths of your feet, if not taller.

*First, run a mile

*Then grab that spin bike and ride for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, do 10x box jumps on your step. Propel yourself up onto the step, land with two feet, and step back down.

*Get back on your bike, go another 5 minutes, then get off and do 9x box jumps.

And keep going from there.

This is what the sets look like:

-5 min. bike/10x box jumps
-5 min. bike/9x box jumps
-5 min. bike/8x box jumps
-5 min. bike/7x box jumps
...and go all the way down to one box jump.

During the spin intervals, play with the intensity on your bike, making it high resistance, low, medium, etc. Challenge yourself. The workout will be too easy if you keep the bike on zero intensity the whole time.

I finished off the workout with 20x box jumps before I called it a day, but this is not integral to the workout's effectiveness. It just adds a nice ending to it.

This workout burns a lot of calories and the plyometric jumps are great for cutting your muscles up! The combination makes this a perfect workout for losing weight/cutting.

*Note: If you don't have access to a spin bike and/or a step, you can do this on a recumbent or upright bike, and find something else to jump on. If you can't find something to jump up on, run steps instead. You could also be super hard core and go outside and find a bench to do your jumps and use a real bike to ride around.

Let me know if you have any questions!


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