Good afternoon, exercise world!
I don't wanna make mountains out of molehills. I have an awesome job and I love what I do. It's generally a fun job 90% of the time. But I'd like to speak up a minute, if not on behalf of all exercise instructors, for myself as one at least. I've been in the business for almost 20 years, and these are some minor observations I have that may make your limited time inside the gym as efficient and as fun as possible. I completely understand that I am not the customer in this case, and the customer is always right, however in some cases, maybe they're a little bit wrong? I saw some folks in the restaurant business post similar sentiments and was inspired! :-)
Read on with a smile, but please also consider these 5 things.
1. Don't come bother me to start class before class time.
In my job, I get a half hour to workout myself before I teach a class if I want to get paid for the class. If you want to come ask me what equipment we may need for class to set up ahead of time, cool. If you want to come ask me a fitness question, awesome. If you just want to chit chat, even better! But please do not come try to pull me into class before class is supposed to start. I don't care if it's 11:29 and class starts at 11:30. I will be on time.
2. Don't make rude comments about the music I am playing.
There's usually a rhyme and reason to the songs I am playing and when. If a song comes on that is not good for exercise, it's an accident, and I will run to my ipod asap. If it's too loud and you want me to turn it down, no problem. If you're offended by a curse word, I totally understand and it was most likely a mistake that that song came on. But if you just don't like the genre of music I am playing, please bear with it. I promise I will play an even blend of all genres. I can't please everyone. It's my class, I've been doing this for years, and I know what I am doing. Mistakes will happen with play lists, etc., I understand. Trust me I will remedy a situation as soon as I can. I will even ask the class for suggestions from time to time. But if you yell out, "Change it!", or "Boring", in the middle of my class, it's going to distract me and pull my enthusiasm level back a notch, and the class will suffer.
3. Come to class late with grace and class.
I personally do not mind latecomers, better late than never! However I don't teach quiet classes like yoga where concentration or meditation is going on, so you may take that up with those instructors. You may be interrupting in that case. But in my cases, come late, a lot or a little. I don't mind. However, come late nicely. Don't push people out of the way, steal other people's equipment, get in someones personal space, unless of course they clearly don't mind. There's usually room for everyone, but be nice please. This is a positive atmosphere and a lot of these folks have limited time. Let them get their workout on!
4. Don't make comments to other participants about their form unless they ask.
I am doing my best to teach and walk around to correct form. If you're a regular and you know some of the routines better than a newcomer, and you tactfully help them out, you've made my job easier. Thank you! But don't call someone out who may be doing something incorrectly. It embarrasses them and will make them not want to come back. Unless they're obviously about to hurt themselves badly, let me correct them,again, unless you do it nicely.
5. Be nice!
We're all here to have fun and get in better shape. There's no need for rude comments to others or me. I am a big believer in tact, if it feels like it may offend, don't go there. If you're just socially awkward, well then I guess we will deal with it in the most tactful way possible.;-) If you're in better shape than most, you don't tell me class was too easy for you afterwards, unless you're busting my chops. "Did you take it easy on us today?", can be said in a cool way. We're all adults here.
Thank you for reading and I hope you keep coming to my classes!
Your Trainer,