I recently spent a wonderful vacation in England where we were put up by our gracious friends in their house.
As it happens on vacations, one often finds themselves at a loss for a regular workout routine, which is fine, after all, you're on vacation. However, I found myself one day sitting alone in their house while they worked and shopped and I realized I had been sitting on the couch watching TV for quite a long time, not moving. I felt like I had to move, but it was rainy and cold outdoors, and I had no car to go anywhere.
(Don't get me wrong, I LOVE alone and downtime like anyone else, but I hadn't been steadily working out really on my trip. I felt like I needed to get my blood flowing, if anything for my mood and outlook.)
So the mood struck me, and I went upstairs to the bedroom we were staying in, found a 15 lb dumbbell and went to work. I didn't have a lot of space, but you don't need a lot of space for this workout. It's not incredibly difficult either, so this workout is great for beginners or those with certain limitations.
Here it is:
*squat with dumbbell shoulder press, 10x one arm, 10x other (20 squats total in the set)
supersetted with
*bent over dumbbell row 10x each arm
repeat set 4x
*squat with dumbbell curl, then press 10x each arm supersetted with underhanded rows each arm 10x
repeat 2x
*pushup set 10x-9x-8x-7x-6x-5x-4x-3x-2x-1x (minimal breaks in between, depending on your skill level)
*plank set --regular plank 30 seconds, side plank 30 seconds, regular plank 30 seconds, other side plank 30 seconds
repeat set 3x
And done! This didn't take me very long at all, and I wasn't pouring buckets of sweat, but I got my blood moving, felt a pump, and did a full body workout.
Don't have a dumbbell handy? Use bands or a soupcan!
No excuses!